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Thursday, December 04, 2008
Googlepate /ËguËgÉlpeɪt/, verb: 1. To use an obscure term without defining it, on the
assumption that the reader will google it.
2. Implicitly calling upon an external reference.
Googlepation /ËguËgÉlpeɪÊÉn/, noun: The act of googlepating; "The near
ubiquity of pocketable web devices has led to the increasing use of verbal googlepation."
Googlepated /ËguËgÉlpeɪtÉd/, verb: Past participle of googlepate; adjective: Difficult
or impossible to interpret without Google; "The document was too heavily googlepated to
interpret on the spot."
Metagooglepation /'meË.taguËgÉlpeɪÊÉn/, noun: Use of the term googlepation or its derivatives
without providing a link or definition.
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Simon Funk /