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Sunday, January 03, 2021


12 months old and already fighting with us over whether she can play with the dirty dishes...

Someone needs to do a more honest set of milestones for kids. Forget crawling, walking, etc -- should be stuff like "opens dishwasher", "throws valuables in trash", "blood curdling scream when you tell her she can't put her finger in your nose", ...

I should clarify that by "fighting" I mean we say "No, you can't play with the dirty dishes!" and close the door, and she let's out an ear-piercing screech that would make a T Rex pause for reconsideration, and then tromps back around to the front of the dishwasher and pulls it open again...

She's a bit slow(?) on the English vocabulary. Comprehension appears good, but her only enduring words so far are deh-dee, momy, haaiiiii!, and MUH! which derives from "more" and "milk" and means "gimme food". She also has about ten baby swear words that she uses regularly but I don't speak baby so can't translate. (This dialect of baby is tricky to learn because it is purely prosodic with only one vowel--schwa--and no consonants.)

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Simon Funk / simonfunk@gmail.com