[<< | Prev | Index | Next | >>] Friday, December 21, 2001
Gecko, Hunting
Seems to be the theme today. I took a walk around the block (specifically to get away from the neighbor's barking dogs for a little while), heard this shuffling behind me, and turned to see a large pit bull chomp into my thigh. I knew it was a dog approaching but I hadn't guessed it was going straight for blood or I would have faced him off a little quicker -- I make a point of showing indifference to dogs and it usually keeps them at bay. He didn't get a very good dig through my pant pockets (drew a little blood but not much) so he backed off for another lunge. I looked down and saw the big blob of slobber on my pants, scowled and growled and advanced on him. He ran back to his owner, just now coming 'round the corner, who seemed rather indifferent to the fact that his dog just ran up to someone on the street and bit them. I went on my way; next time I bring a bat.
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